We had two kinds of peeps this Easter and neither one contained marshmallow. First to arrive were the peeps coming from our new chicks. Wee babes, born this past Wednesday, they were relocated from the feed store to our house on Friday. Three belong to a neighbor, but the other four will move to our coop this summer.

The second set of "peeps" was the group of friends that gathered for our annual Easter brunch.

As always, too much tasty food! I ate it for brunch, then again for dinner, again today
. . .I need the leftovers to be gone, and soon!Here are the chickees today. They grow so much every day it is incredible. I'm hoping to let them have some outside time later this week when it warms up.

How is it that my Easter has come to this? None of the pictures in the magazines shows two bedraggled boys who are overdue for a shower and wearing muddy shoes and sour expressions. I scoff at the idea of us getting a real holiday picture in our household . . . it would belong only on the front of one of those prank cards.
Recap of the week: We lost our first hen to a mystery predator. For now the other ladies are confined. At least the weather is crummy so they don't seem to mind so much. We thought we had another hen that was sick, but it turns out she was just molting
The first of the seeds has sprouted in the new raised beds, so far we have lettuce, spinach and a radish or two. Next up is building the rest of the raised beds and then levelling off the ground to install the greenhouse. Now, if only the weather will cooperate by turning off the rain and giving us some sunshine!