Well, I did it . .. I completed my first half-marathon. My time was 2:12, which I am pretty proud of. I set out just to finish the race and really felt good while running. More than anything, I was pleased at how fun it was and how good I still felt at the end. It was the inaugural Rock n' Roll Marathon/Half-Marathon in Seattle. I went up with a bunch of girlfriends to run it. We all had a great weekend and it was a fun race.
I've also finished the greenhouse (finally). It's far too hot to do anything with it now, but it is ready and waiting for cold weather growing (or at least attempts at growing).
The new raised beds are working out great! The garden is much easier to keep weed free (those aren't weeds you see . . .those are volunteers) and we are enjoying food from the garden already. At the moment we are dining on raspberries, sugar snap peas, onions, beets and starting just a few days ago . .. squash. I love the summertime eating.
Finishing up those big projects really lifts my spirits. I have a list a mile long of projects big and small. It seems like this should discourage me, but it really keeps me going whenever I finish just one of those projects. I have to remember that we moved here because we were out of projects at the old house. Next up: improvements/repairs to the chicken setup, replacing all the burned out bulbs (alas, there are SO many), fixing the diningchairs, figuring out what is wrong with the automatic door on the barn . . .and the list goes on.
Next up . . .camping.