I thought the wildlife was bad . . .and then we got this kind of wild life! A drunk driver missed a turn, trashed our fence, took out a utility pole and landed in our pasture, spreading glass everywhere, and necessitating a lifeflight helicopter landing in our pasture. I've spent far too much time in the past two weeks dealing with insurance adjustors, estimators of all sorts, and the district attorney. I no longer ask, "What next?!" Because, frankly, I don't want to know!
In the meantime, I did manage to squeeze some productivity and fun into this unseasonably warm weather.
. . . like planting an additional 12 blueberry plants, bringing the grand total to 40. We'll see what this year's harvest brings . . .
. . . tried my hand at (sort of) sourdough bread . . .
. . . let the hens out in the garden . . .
. . . more pics with the new camera (this one of the tree out front on a sunny day) . . .
. . . lots of soccer this weekend (7 soccer games and 1 basketball game for the family this weekend) . . .
. . . watched my silly boys just being silly . . . .
. . . kept a safe distance from the slice-and-dice kitty that looks so peaceful and cute while she is sleeping . . . 
. . . and, finally, visited the cute litte piggies that moved in next door yesterday.
I love where I live!!