Spring is teasing us a bit, but I do believe it will eventually arrive. We have baby chicks moved into the brooder in the barn (almost ready to head into the coop with the big girls). Lots and lots of projects around here. A few of my favorites:
Getting garden beds ready and then planting. Last weekend I amended with the big bags of organic stuff I fetched from southeast Portland. Here is what one of the beds looks like today.
I plan to amend with compost soon. You see, I made compost. I did. I really did. Finally. I think it took three years. My determination is bolstered by the fact that I did actually create some. Now I just have to figure out how to do it faster. In any case, isn't it pretty?

And then there's this. I have this big pile of bricks (the remnants of the mailbox monument we knocked down last year). I've decided that I need to build a quirky path up to my greenhouse with them. It's much cuter in my mind than it looks now . . .but I still have work to do.

This is just the rough layout. The fitting in and sanding it all will take some time, but not nearly as much work as fetching those bricks from the goat pen (you know how goat helpers are).

And, finally, it wouldn't be Spring without the crazy chicken doing her thing. So far this week I have fetched 3 eggs out of garage, from behind a case of chili. I found one in the barn, on the workbench today. And then there was this pile that was discovered in the compost bin. This chicken definitely takes her breed to heart (she's an Aracauna which are the "easter eggers"). I think she just misunderstood . . .that was for the coloring, not for the hiding.