Sunday, February 21, 2010

If I had only known what was coming . . . .

I thought the wildlife was bad . . .and then we got this kind of wild life!  A drunk driver missed a turn, trashed our fence, took out a utility pole and landed in our pasture, spreading glass everywhere, and necessitating a lifeflight helicopter landing in our pasture.  I've spent far too much time in the past two weeks dealing with insurance adjustors, estimators of all sorts, and the district attorney.  I no longer ask, "What next?!"  Because, frankly, I don't want to know!

In the meantime, I did manage to squeeze some productivity and fun into this unseasonably warm weather.
. . . like planting an additional 12 blueberry plants, bringing the grand total to 40.  We'll see what this year's harvest brings . . .

 . . . tried my hand at (sort of) sourdough bread . . .
. . . let the hens out in the garden . . .
 . . . more pics with the new camera (this one of the tree out front on a sunny day) . . .
 . . . lots of soccer this weekend (7 soccer games and 1 basketball game for the family this weekend) . . .
 . . . watched my silly boys just being silly . . . .
 . . . kept a safe distance from the slice-and-dice kitty that looks so peaceful and cute while she is sleeping . . .
 . . . and, finally, visited the cute litte piggies that moved in next door yesterday. 

I love where I live!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One wild week

Would someone please tell the wildlife that there is no faith healer here?  We have no miracles to offer.  We have no magical touch that will restore the ability to walk.  Please stop coming!

Twice last week I killed birds that flew into my windshield.  Then we ended up with two wild animals with spinal injuries.  Must these animals linger?  Whatever happened to wild animals being fragile and dying of shock?  First it was a squirrel.  Three days later I nearly stepped on a raccoon curled up at the base of our stairs.  I now know where the audobon society is.  And I'm so very thankful for the service they provide.  But I don't want to visit them again any time soon. 

I'm ready to move past the randomly injured animals and get onto the business of Spring.  I definitely have the fever, and I'll be visiting nurseries this weekend to load up on trees and plants.  So, bring on Spring!