Monday, February 2, 2009

On to February

Lots of Canadian Geese have been flying over lately. Some in such large masses that the whole family is drawn out to the deck to look at the sky in awe with our mouths agape. Only after we made it back inside unscathed did we realize that we were lucky to have escaped being pooped on. I like this picture because it is exactly like the season here . . .some clouds, some blue sky, always something alive and moving about and then the tree, still slumbering through winter and awaiting Spring's new leaves.

It snowed . . .again. At least this time Mother Nature had the courtesy to wait until the kids were already on their way to school. It's pretty, but really, we're done!

And another Superbowl Party under our belts. Small and lowkey (and cold . . .the heater in the barn went out) but fun. The kids are tired today. My body is tired from all the yuck I ate yesterday. Today I must purge the house of the tempting, bad for you stuff and head back to veggies and good food.
Hopefully, today will end our streak of bad appliance luck. Today we have the dishwasher repair man here and the barn heater man on his way. There is always the coffeemaker which must be mailed back today and the refrigerator which seems to have taken on a personality of its own and beeps randomly throughout the day and night. I'm afraid to even talk about how everything is fixed now, or wonder about what is next . . . because I'm sure it would be something.

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